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"Your Personal Stress Coach"

Stresscure features audio excerpts from Dr. Mort Orman's audiotape, Your Personal Stress Coach. To listen you will need:

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"Your Personal Stress Coach" by Dr. Mort Orman

You can find Dr. Mort Orman's Audiotape Series, "Your Personal Stress Coach", by clicking here. Below are 4 audio clips available for listening.

To get in touch with Dr. Mort Orman, click here to email him at

Warning: a 50K file takes about 30 seconds to download on a 14.4 modem.

The Hidden Causes Of Anger (65K, about 1 minute 5 seconds)

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In this 65 second excerpt from Tape 2 of his Personal Stress Coach audiotape series, Dr. Orman reveal the four hidden conversations that underlie all instances of human anger.

"You see, the reason some people become angry or fearful or worried and others don't is because the specific conversations and action patterns we've just discussed become triggered in those people while in other people they don't become triggered. For example, if two people witness the same event and one person sees it as something that's bad and wrong and the other person doesn't, then only one is going to feel angry and the other is not. By the same token, if someone witnesses an event and ends up becoming angry, you automatically know and can predict how they are thinking inside. You can predict what's been triggered within them. You can absolutely know, with certainty, that the way they're looking at the situation is that: a) somebody did something bad or wrong (in their estimation); b) somebody was hurt or harmed or offended; c) somebody was unilaterally to blame; and d) the no good so-and-so should admit what they did wrong, offer to make amends, and possibly be punished. You know they have to be thinking that way if they're experiencing the emotion of anger."

The Mind-Body Myth (50K, about 47 seconds)

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In this 47 second excerpt from his Personal Stress Coach audiotape series, Dr. Orman explains why our common sense view of ourselves as human beings causes us to misunderstand the true nature of the causes of our emotions.

"In addition to knowing the specific hidden causes of your moods and emotions, you also must remember that these hidden causes exist in your body, not your mind. They really function like knee-jerk reflexes in the sense that they get triggered automatically by certain external stimuli and events. And when these external stimuli are present, there is very little you can do to keep these thought patterns and behavior patterns from becoming triggered within you. This explains why most people have trouble changing the way they automatically respond emotionally. Even though they may gain some new insights into the conversations and behavior patterns that contribute to their emotions, it's very difficult to control them and to keep them from occurring because they are not part of your mind--they're part of your body."

How To Become A Winner Against Stress (55K, 53 seconds)

Listen to the audio (53 seconds)

In this 53 second summary of Tape 2, Dr. Orman reveals the single most important skill you must develop if you want to become a life-long winner against stress.

"In summary then, what you should have learned from this tape is that whenever you or anyone else is feeling bad in any way, there are always invisible conversations and action patterns lurking in the background. Most people completely ignore these important hidden causes. Because of this, they tend to falsely conclude that the external events or situations in their lives directly cause their emotions to occur. While external events certainly do play a role in many of our emotions, they are not the whole story. And people who know how to win against stress are careful not to make this mistake. They train themselves to identify not just the obvious but the non-obvious causes of their emotions, and by learning how to recognize these non-obvious causes, they discover that they have much more power and control over their emotions than they ever dreamed possible."

The Ultimate Method For Coping With Stress (40K, 35 seconds)

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In this brief introduction to Tape 3 in his Personal Stress Coach audiotape series, Dr. Orman promises to reveal an exciting new method for coping with stress that is far superior to stress management.

"In tape number three, I'm going to show you that the very same approach we've just examined for understanding the causes of your emotions can also be used to deal with any other type of stress. We can use it to deal with relationship conflicts, with stress at work, we can use it to deal with the stress of public speaking, or any other stressful problem in our lives. In fact, this method is so incredibly simple, yet so powerful and so generally applicable to any stressful problem in life that it rightfully deserves to be called the ultimate method for coping with stress."

NOTE: To Order Your Personal Stress Coach, click here.

Copyright 1996 M.C. Orman, MD, FLP. All Rights Reserved.

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